Medieval Orthodox Numismatic Coins Directory

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Home Coin Directory Bulgarian Emperors

John Asen II (2/- )

Mitso Asen (1/- )

Constantine Tikh Asen (7/- )

George I Terter (1/- )

Theodor Svetoslav (3/- )

Michael III Asen Shishman (4/- )

John Alexander (24/- )

Michael IV Asen (1/- )

John Shishman (9/- )

John Sratsimir (15/- )

George I Terter

George I Terter

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 15BG
rarity: RR
nominal value: copper skifat
Theodore Svetoslav

Theodore Svetoslav

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 16BG
rarity: R
nominal value: silver aspra
Theodor Svetoslav

Theodor Svetoslav

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 17BG
nominal value: copper skifat

Theodore Svetoslav

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 18BG
rarity: RRR
nominal value: copper skifat
Michael III Shishman

Michael III Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo and other unlocalized mints
uid: 19BG
rarity: R
nominal value: silver aspra
Michael III Shishman

Michael III Shishman

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 20BG
rarity: RR
nominal value: copper skifat
Michael III Asen

Michael III Asen

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 21BG
rarity: RRR
nominal value: coppers assaria
Michael III Asen

Michael III Asen

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 22BG
nominal value: copper assaria
John Alexander

John Alexander

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 23BG
rarity: RRR
nominal value: silver aspra
John Alexander

John Alexander

State: Bulgaria
Mint: Turnovo
uid: 24BG
nominal value: silver aspra
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